La crema de cacahuate es una excelente fuente de proteínas, ácido fólico, vitaminas B, minerales y fibra. Dos cucharadas de crema de cacahuate proveen 188 calorias y aportan por lo menos el 28% de la dieta recomendada de proteínas para niños menores de 10 años y 12.5% de la dieta recomendada para adolescentes y adultos. Un pancito con crema de cacahuate o mantequilla de maní en el desayuno es una muy buena forma de comenzar un día de clases.Si te encanta cocinar con crema de cacahuate o mantequilla de maní esta es una gran oportunidad, desde ahora hasta el 12 de octubre de 2011, los padres pueden ayudar a sus hijos de entre seis y doce años a presentar sus recetas en el Concurso Jif Del Sándwich De Crema De Cacahuate Más Creativo y poder ganar $25,000 para el college. Para marcar el Décimo Aniversario del Concurso, este año, el Ganador del Gran Premio recibirá además otros $10,000 para útiles educativos. Un concurso aparte invita a los amantes de la crema de maní de todo Estados Unidos a inscribirse en el concurso del ensayo llamado “That’s Why I Choose Jif” para poder figurar en el panel de los jueces el día del evento final en Nueva York, donde cinco niños chefs van a competir por el gran premio.
Los sándwiches van a ser premiados por su creatividad, sabor, balance nutritivo, atractivo visual y facilidad para prepararlos. Los participantes elegibles, que presenten su formulario en las primeras seis semanas de convocatoria recibirán de regalo una mochila “De Vuelta a la Escuela” de Jif -mientras duren. Se pondrá el nombre de diez semifinalistas en ambos sitios web para que tomen parte en una votación nacional online en enero de 2012. Todo el que tenga 13 años o más puede votar para ayudar a seleccionar los cinco finalistas que irán a competir en Nueva York en marzo de 2012.
Para conocer todos los detalles, las Reglas Oficiales y el formulario de participación del décimo concurso anual, visite o
Mi sándwich favorito es de mantequilla de maní con mermelada de mango.
SORTEO: En mi blog Mamá Contemporánea un afortunado ganador se puedes llevar: un Amazon Kindle, un bolso para el gimnasio Jif , productos Jif-To-Go y un marco para foto Jif.
- Comenta en mi blog como prefieres comer la crema de cacahuate/mantequilla de maní. No olvides dejar tu email para contactarte por si ganas. Si deseas participar en el Concurso Jif Del Sándwich De Crema De Cacahuate Más Creativo visita
- Envía un tweet así: RT Estoy participando en el #sorteo de @mcontemporanea para ganar un Amazon Kindle y productos #jif
- Like la página de Jif en Facebook.
- Suscribete para recibir mis emails así podrás saber de fabulosos sorteos como este. Debes confirmarlo una vez llegue a tu inbox.
Termina el 7 de Octubre de 2011. Solo para quienes viven en USA. No P.O boxes. Buena suerte!
GIVEAWAY: I’m giving away a Kindle and Jif products to one of my lucky readers. Here is exactly what’s in the gift box: Amazon Kindle, Jif Branded Gym Bag, Jif-To-Go Product and Jif Picture Frame.
All you have to do is leave a comment telling me what is your favorite way to eat peanut butter? Be sure to leave an e-mail address where you can be reached if you win, and please visit if you would like to enter the Jif Most Creative Peanut Butter Sandwich Contest.
- Tweet: RT @mcontemporanea is giving away an Amazon Kindle and some great #jif products
- Like Jif on Facebook.
Ends 10/7/11. U.S only. No PO boxes. Good Luck!
Aclaratoria: Recibí un Amazon Kindle y una caja con productos Jif. Mi opinión es honesta, este post no ha sido editado por terceros, no obtuve compensación económica.
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Carmen Ortiz says
Hola Rory!!!! Me encanta este sorteo…En mi casa siempre hay un pote de JIF y tambien estuches de JIF to GO, pues a mi niña le gusta mucho. Ella la come untada en galletas de soda, o con pan o sola, se la come en cucharadas. Mi esposo y yo la comemos con panqueques. Es deliciosa y tiene un sabor unico…Ya estoy preparando mi receta para el concurso. Gracias!!!! barcarel(arroba)yahoo(punto)com
Carmen Ortiz says
Envie un tweet:!/carmen0571/status/116507215405383682 barcarel(arroba)yahoo(punto)com
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Brenda/Mejorando mi Hogar says
Buenisimo el Sorteo! A mi me gusta la crema de cacahuate con pan tostado :)Saludos!
Carmen Ortega Nunez says
A mi y a mi nenita nos encanta la mantequilla de Mani untada sobre el Pan y tambien con mermelada de Pina, Waohhh es una combinacion super deliciosa. tambien la comemos sobre galletas sodas, la agregamos tambien a los batidos de leche con bananas, riquisima.
Carmen Ortega Nunez says
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Rosie says
en mi casa nos comemos la crema de cacahuate/mantequilla de maní en pan tostado con jelly o en tortilla d trigo con platano, la comemos con manzana, con galletas o sola garramos con una cuchara. creo q ahy demasiadas maneras como comer la crema de cacahuate. a mi familia nos encanta, Gracias x el sorteo!
steff says
i love peanut butter on apples!
steff says!/DesMoinesDealin/status/116687973780692992
steff says
i like on FB steph sweeper
Monica Young says
A mi me gusta con manzanas y bananas
monicazyoung at mymelody dot com
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Kat F. says
My favorite way to eat peanut butter is to make a good old-fashioned peanut butter sandwich with strawberry preserves. Love it with a big glass of cold milk!!
fastkat at gmail dot com
yesi says
Hola rory!Nosotros aqui en casa no puede faltar la comemos hacemos sandwich de peanut butter and jelly es super delicioso haci y tambien a mi nena le gusta con pan le hago cuadritos de pan y le unto en cada cuadrito y le gusta un monton! Gracias por tus sorteos!
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Anastasia B says
My favorite way to eat peanut butter is on black rye bread with organic blueberry preserves! 🙂
ely says
Hola Rory, que sorteo mas padre!!! En casa disfrutamos mucho de los sándwiches de Crema de cacahuate con mermelada de fruta, también me gusta hacer galletas de crema de cacahuate con relleno de mas crema de cacahuate son deliciosas.
ely says
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mary says
Me gusta untarlo en el pan.
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Betsy Hoff says
I like Peanut Butter on Buttered Toast! Yum~
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kelly t says
peanut butter on bananas
Perla Viveros says
en mi casa nos encanta comer la crema de cacahuate en sandwiches.
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envie mi tweet!/Perlaviveros83/status/116982530439254016
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colleen says
I like to dip my pretzels in peanut butter.
cthompson1477@ gmail dot com
daysi morales says
bueno ami me gusta la crema de cacahute en pan tostado y en pankekes gracias
daysi morales says
mande mi tweet te dejo el link!/daysi317/status/117089909264744448
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Patricia says
Hola Rory!
La mantequilla de maní Jif es super deliciosa y me encanta comerla sobre pan tostado, en mi lista del super no puede faltar, a mi nena tambien le gusta mucho.
Patricia says
Envie un tweet sobre el sorteo 09/23!/ashleypatty08/status/117273900060123136
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daysi morales says
Patricia says
En mi casa nos comemos la crema de cacahuate/mantequilla de maní en pan con miel. Tambien nos gusta comer con platanos y manzanas. yellow_patricia arroba hotmail punto com
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daysi morales says
adriana mislinski says
Tengo tres hijos y dos la comen diferente. Al mayor, le encanta comer la mantequilla de mani con pan de cualquier tipo y la mermelada que le hace su abuelo de higos. Muy rica! al segundo, se la come solita con pan, sin ninguna mermelada. A la pequena de la casa, todavia no her probado a darsela, pero estoy segura que le gustara tambien. Y a mi? me gusta con trozos de manzana o de celery. En el programa del Dr. OZ dijeron que era mas nutritivo comerse un sandwich de mantequilla de mani con mermelada que otro con pavo, tomate y queso. Aparentemente tiene mayor concentracion de proteina, grasa de la buena y por ende, llena mas.
sylaka says
Tengo una nina de 10, ella le encanta la mantequilla de mani. Nos gusta con pan intergral y mermelada de uva, con galleticas integrales, con celery, con pita ships.Tambien la utilizo para marinar el pollo, algunas salsas y ensaladas con miel queda muy rico.
la mantequilla de mani la aprendi a comer aqui en USA con mi esposo, en Venezuela no acostumbramos a comer esta mantequilla.
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maria says
La mejor manera en se come la crema de cacahuate en casa es es un eparedado con unpoco de mermelada de fresa.
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yasmin reyes says
bueno ami me gusta la crema de cacahuate con pan tostado y manzana pues es bien delicioso gracias
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mi tweet https:/!/ysmn_rys/status/117818922116618240
Lynda Del says
My favorite way to eat peanut butter is to spread it on fresh cut apples. Delicioso!
Lynda Del says
I tweeted –!/Lyndadawinda/status/117841270067572737
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Patricia Pinkston says
Peanut butter on sliced apples, or for my sweet tooth, peanut butter balls.
San Diego Momma says
I put my PB on apple slices and then dip ’em in honey!
daysi morales says
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Kathy Davis says
I love to eat peanut butter on apple slices. YUM>
kathy says
I love adding syrup and peanut butter to vanilla ice cream. Sounds crazy but its like a cold snickers bar or something like that! YUMMY!
thank you!
kathy says
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Cricket says
I love to eat peanut butter in celery and sometimes I mix it in with some cream cheese and then add it to my celery. Sounds strange but it really is yummy.
Vivian V says
My favorite way to eat peanut butter on very thinly sliced apples as a sandwich, or a winter breakfast sandwich w/toast, pn butter, banana, raisins, and a drizzle of honey!
thank you for the giveaway
Vivian V says
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Amy says
I love eating peanut butter on saltine crackers as a snack during work. Just love it. Simple but delicious.
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Monica says
Me encanta tu blog!
me gusta la crema de cacahuete con bananas. Muy pero muy rico.
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Maureen says
great giveaway yet again Rory!
I like peanut butter on graham crackers with a marshmellow! its like a smore!
thank you!
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Karen says
Me gusta la crema de cacahuete con las manzanas y bananas.
Karen says
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muchas gracias!
steph d says
My choice is Jif peanut butter and banana sandwich and my girls love peanut butter and apple butter sandwiches and my husband loves nilla wafers with sharp cheddar cheese and Jif peanut butter for a snack! Jif, it has us all covered, lol!
thanks you mamacontemporanea
steph d says
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stephdenny32 at live dot com
Colleen says
In my house mix some american and latino tradition even with our peanut butter, haha! We spread peanut butter on tortillas and add a banana and wrap it up! It’s delicious.
Colleen says
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Alicia says
Me encanta comer peanut butter con chocolate y frutas. Es delicioso!!!!!
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Brittany says
I love JIF PB on whole wheat bread with some honey on top. YUMMY!!!
Thanks Rory!
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Ella says
A mi me gusta con bananas.
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Samantha says
My mom made these for me when I was a kid: Peanut butter Smores
:Spread some creamy Jif on a saltine, top with a large marshmellow, and toast in the toaster oven until marshmellow is toasted. Top with another saltine and you have snacks that are amazing!
This is still a favorite way of eating butter for me 🙂
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Olivia says
A mi me encanta comer la crema de cacahuete con pan y mermelada.
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camie a. says
This is a great find.
Arlene S says
Peanut Butter Cake. YUMM-O! I always use Jif when I make my mom’s peanut butter cake. She always told me that Jif peanut butter was the best peanut butter to use to have the best, smoothest icing for this cake.
Thank you for the giveaway
Arlene S says
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janice says
Our favorite is peanut butter and honey on crackers and my daughter usually just prefers to eat the peanut butter with a spoon right out of the jar.
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(jdownesey at hotmail )
Karla says
que lindo sorteo!
A mi me gusta la crema de cacahuete con miel y una banana o manzana. Muchas gracias Rory!
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Kristine H says
I like peanut butter and very thinly sliced apples as a sandwich, or a winter breakfast sandwich w/toast, pn butter, banana, raisins, and a drizzle of honey.
Kristine H says
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Claire says
I love Peanut butter on cinnamon swirl bread toasted!!mm mm good!!
thank you!
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Ashley says
peanut butter on sliced apples – my daughter has it every afternoon when she gets home from school
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Niurka says
A mi me encanta con grape jelly y pan
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vero l says
Me gusta con pan tostado
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alaina says
Does eating it straight of the jar with a spoon count? I love peanut butter so much that I usually eat it that way, haha
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patricia A says
me encanta comer la peanut butter con frutas. muchas gracias por el concurso!
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anissa says
I love to eat peanut butter on a PB&J. I could eat them everyday!
anissacoupons (at) hotmail (dot) com
anissa says
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Amy says
Peanut butter cookies are my favorite snack in the whole world. I can’t help myself.
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Cindy says
My favorite thing is to dip bananas in Jif peanut butter! So good!!! Sometimes I’ll spread it on white bread and then put sliced bananas on the bread. Yum!
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thank you 🙂
Robyn Fraser says
I enjoy eating peanut butter with Nutella wedged between two pieces of bread! Yumm 🙂
michele says
Years ago when I was in elementary school, our teacher shared this snack with us. Lightly toasted bread, spread with peanut butter and then add sliced red apples and you have a peanut butter and apple sandwich. To this day, this is one of my favorites.
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Erika says
Thank for for another amazing giveaway Rory!
I love eating peanut butter with some honey and toast. Good luck to everyone!
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Loraine says
My kids like to put PB and mini chocolate chips on one slice of bread and on the other slice put large marshmallows cut in half. We broil both sides of the bread in the oven on low and come out with a toasted marshmallow half and a roasted peanut butter and chocolate half. Put them together and you have a delightful s’mores sandwich. Thank you for the giveaway mamacontemporanea!
Loraine says
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Melinda says
Que lindo giveaway rory. A mi familia nos gusta comer la crema de cacahuete con “chocolate chips” y manzanas y bananas cortadas. Gracias 🙂
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Stacy says
My favorite thing to make with peanut butter is most definitely no bake oatmeal cookies!
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Amanda C says
Fun Topic and giveaway, lots of great ideas.
My father makes my children his specialty. He calls it the “Choco Nutter Butter Fluffer Sandwich” It is Nutella, peanut butter, and marshmallow fluff. They love it and it is funny to hear them ask Grandpa to make them a choco nutter butter fluffer sandwich.
Amanda C says
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hillary says
my favorite is peanut butter and grape jelly but I like to mix the two before they go on the sandwich so I get even distribution of flavor!
hillary says
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Natalie R says
I love peanut butter with honey on a slice of bread. I eat one almost everyday as well as my 4 children. It’s an after school staple at our house.
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Nancy says
I’m pretty plain jane with my (crunchy) peanut butter and can only eat it on a slice of bread!!
Gaby Nunez says
Me encanta usar la crema de cacahuate Jif en el pan tostado y untarle a las galletas o crackers mientras vemos una pelicula,grcias por el sorteo!!!!!
Gaby Nunez says
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Whitney says
Peanut Butter Fudge and Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies are my favorite things to make with peanut butter and the whole family really enjoys them.
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Megan says
I agree with others that peanut butter is so good you can eat it straight from the jar. But my favorite sweet treat if a good helping of peanut butter between two Ritz crackers. Then, drop them in a pot of warm coating-chocolate. Put them on wax paper and let them cool. YUM!
Megan says
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Christine Owens says
I love the combo of peanut butter and chocolate….any way I can get it!
Courtney says
JIF Peanut Butter and Nutella sandwiches or cookies are oh so heavenly 🙂
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elsie says
I grew up on JIF and it’s the only peanut butter allowed in our house. With kids and adults alike a regular PB&J sandwich is a daily treat. But we dip into it by the spoonful sometimes when dinner just seems to take too long.
thank you for the giveaway!
elsie says
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thank youuuuu
Fran says
a mi familia nos gusta comer la peanut butter con pan y mermelada. Somos tradicionales, jaja
gracias Nory!
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malia palea says
i love peanut butter with apples!
Eliana Tardio says
Me encanta la peanut butter con cualquier fruta porque es una excelente fuente de proteina y asi los ninos comen mejor los pedacitos de frutas, tambien me gusta en un sandwich 🙂 Ya envie el tweet y ya me uni a la pagina en facebook y tambien lo comparti en facebook 🙂 Besitos! feliz dia!
Millie C. says
I love to eat peanut butter and chocolate together – just mix some peanut butter and mix it with some chocolate cake icing, then lick your spoon! if you don’t have icing, dip a spoonful of peanut butter and roll it in some chocolate chips, delicious, fast and easy snack! Thanks so much!
Caroline says
Peanut butter and apples. I just smear it on and eat the apple whole, which ensures that I use a lot of peanut butter
Caroline says
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Alyssa says
We like peanut butter and jelly (strawberry is best) with marshmallow creme grilled just like a grilled cheese.
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Megan says
I love peanut butter cookies, no bake fudge cookies (that include peanut butter), and when I’m looking for a snack on the go- a peanut butter spoon!
Megan says
I like jif on facebook, thanks!
Megan says
I’m an email subscriber now 🙂
Jacquelyn says
lindo sorteo! A mi me gusta comer la crema de cacahuete con tostadas.
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Jess says
I spread peanut butter on a rice cake and drizzle it with liquid magic shell chocolate ice cream topping……
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Becky says
Growing up in New England, my most favorite sticky-finger, need to wash your hands afterward sandwich was a peanut butter and Marshmallow Fluff sandwich. Ahhh…sugar heaven!
Thank you Rory for yet another fun giveaway 🙂
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kimberly says
Peanut butter and apples. I just smear it on and eat the apple whole, which ensures that I use a lot of peanut butter
kimberly says
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Bridget says
great giveaway, I really really want a kindle!
But my favorite way of eating peanut butter is peanut butter and chocolate chips on toast. Yum!
thank you!
Bridget says
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Kat says
Peanut butter is good enough to be eaten alone but I also like Peanut butter and Nutella Waffles!
Kat says
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Felicia C says
Nos gusta la crema de cacahuate con mermelado de frutilla en un sandwich.
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holly says
You just can’t beat a peanut butter and banana sandwich on wheat toast for a fast but nutritious breakfast to take on the run. But of course, the classic peanut butter chocolate bars make the best snacks.
holly says
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Ellen says
We love peanut butter and banana sandwiches at my house. And the traditional peanut butter and jelly – (must mix them together first) sandwices. I think we like all things peanut butter….
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Meghan H says
Me, my son, and my dog all get a spoonfull of plain peanut butter to eat straight off the spoon. It’s something we all share a love for and enjoy together. The dog also likes to lick the leftovers off of my 2 year old son’s cheeks. Haha.
Meghan H says
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Tina says
I am a classic girl and I like a old regular peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Delicious
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Regina says
me ENCANTAN tus sorteos Rory! Un kindle, mmmm 🙂
A mi familia nos gusta la crema de cacahuate con frutas y tambien con nutella. Queda riquisimo.
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Dawn says
I’ll share one of my favorite peanut butter recipes 🙂
We used to make a healthy peanut butter candy when I was a child and I just recently got the recipe from my mom. Besides peanut butter (we used crunchy), it had honey, powdered milk and sometimes wheat germ and/or coconut in it and we would just press it flat on a plate, refrigerate and cut into squares. It never lasted long. We also used to eat peanut butter and jelly on graham crackers when we had a babysitter.
Thank you so much for the giveaway
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jana says
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich grilled!!! Yummmmmyyy
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Casey says
A peanut butter and jelly sanwich is BEST!!!
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thank you 🙂
Carelys says
A mi me gusta solo con mantequilla de mani!
Carelys arroba yahoo dot com
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Melissa says
A mi me gusta la peanut butter con miel y pan. Queda delicioso
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Kristine says
Apples in peanut butter all the way! So good!
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Kerry S says
One of our favorite snacks is toast with peanut butter (slightly melted) sometimes dipped in chocolate milk.
Kerry S says
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Courtney C says
We actually use an apple for a peanut butter sandwich instead of bread. Slice an apple in half, cut the core out. Then spread Jif peanut butter on the center of the apple then cover with the other half of apple. You can put raisins, chocolate chips or granola on top of the peanut butter if so desired. This is one of my daughters favorite snacks!!
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Britt says
My family loves adding peanut butter to their ice cream!! We also love regular pb&j sandwiches
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lucy says
Peanut butter and Nutella with crackers!
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Cara says
I love peanut butter and strawberry jelly! Mmmmm! 🙂
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sue says
My husband and I love to sandwich JIF peanut butter between cinnamon graham crackers. I keep some made up at all times. My husband likes to eat them with his coffee in the morning and also snacks on them in the middle of the night with a glass of milk. I could eat them until I get sick….. but then again, I love JIF peanut butter so much I could just eat it straight out of the jar (literally until I get sick). LOVE, LOVE, LOVE JIF PEANUT BUTTER!!!!!
Thank you for the generous giveaway
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Amanda says
My kids could literally live off of peanut butter and jelly (or honey) sandwiches! Jif is definitely one of my favorite peanut butters to use for those daily sandwiches.
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Lexy says
I like pb and strawberry jelly. But what we make most with Jif is homemade granola bars.
thank you!
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lizzy says
Nothing better than just plain pb and grape jelly!!!
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amanda says
My favorite is a plain old peanutbutter and strawberry jelly (mixed up first) sandwich. But if you want to get creative give me a fluff-o-nutter (PB and marshmello fluff) Mmmmmmm!
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Alisa says
A nosotros nos gusta la crema de cacahuate con un poco de mermelada de frutilla en un sandwich.
gracias rory 🙂
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Sandra says
me gusta comerlo en un pan tostado
Sandra says
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Tabathia B says
I like to eat with banana and bread
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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Tabathia B says
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Serena says
I like to eat it straight out of the jar. Jif is the only brand of peanut butter I eat.
Serena says
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Emilie @ Baby Loving Mama says
My husband would probably say on pancakes and my sons on bread but my vote is paired in any way with chocolate! Yummy!
Emilie @ Baby Loving Mama says
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Jamie Adkins says
On apple slices!
Jamie Adkins says
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Lindy says
I like to eat it with pretzels. Thanks for the wonderful chance.
Lindy says
I like to eat peanut butter on pretzels, celery and apples. Thanks for the wonderful chance!
Matt Ferrell says
I like it by itself, right out of the jar! 🙂
animasou @ comcast . net
Matt Ferrell says
animasou @ comcast . net
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animasou @ comcast . net
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animasou @ comcast . net
Kari W says
I love apples dipped in peanut butter
Kari W says
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Shae Johnson says
Peanut Butter and banana sandwiches!
Corina Mitchell says
I liked you on Facebook! 🙂
my email is cingpink at g mail . com
Adalia Montalvo says
a mis hijas les encanta comerselas solo asi, o con pan tostado, muy deliciosa!
adaliadelcompar at gmail dot com
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Alissa A says
I love eating peanut butter with chocolate or just plain old peanut butter! captainliss40(at)gmail(dot)com
Cristina says
Me gustaria mucho ganar este premio! La mantequilla de mani me fascina y la uso mucho para preparar una salsa thai, con la que acompano las carnes o los spring rolls. Mi email es duffycr(arroba)gmail(punto)com
Gracias por el sorteo!
Shop with Me Mama (Kim) says
I love peanut butter on celery, yum!! Thanks for the chance!
Shop with Me Mama (Kim) says
Emilia says
I love peanut butter cookies.!!!!
thank you!
Emilia says
I love peanut butter cookies.!!!!
thank you!
Emilia says
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Danielle Robbins says
I love peanut butter with apples.
brigid says
When I was pregnant I ate this every night, especially at the end. Now, I make one several times a year.
Bread 2 slices on a skillet toasting. Spread crunchy peanut butter across the bread. Slice bananas lengthwise. line the peanut butter and close sandwich. Let toast both sides. Serve with skim milk over ice.
Melisa says
I like homeade peanut butter cake and peanut butter sandwich with homeade blackberry jelly!
Melisa says
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Allison says
I like classic PB&J, you can’t beat that with a cold glass of milk.
thank you!
Allison says
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Dona says
peanut butter and vanilla icecream!
Dona says
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Patty says
My favorite is JIF peanut butter and Bananas plus honey!!!
Patty says
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Elvis says
JIF…mmmh mantequilla de maní deliciosa, LA MEJOR!!! Mi dedo no resiste la tentación cremosa de JIF, él se desliza suavemente sobre una tostada crunch dejando el impermeable gusto de JIF allí estampado, luego pongo pequeños cortes de melocotón y fresa que adorno con una capa de queso crema y queso mozarella rallado, cierro con una nueva capa de JIF en la tapita de cierre de mi tostada crunch y VOILA…. Un majestuoso Sandwich!
Elvis says
Ya envié mi tweet: @elviswarnell
RT Estoy participando en el #sorteo de @mcontemporanea para ganar un Amazon Kindle y productos #jif
Elvis says
Ya estoy con la Número 1 en mi facebook. Mantequilla de Mani…TIF
Elvis says
Debo confesar que para prepararme un sándwich con mantequilla de maní JIF tengo que superar muchos obstáculos, el primero: encontrar el frasco; mi esposa lo suele esconder (se lo reserva)… el segundo, terminar de prepararlo sin que mi hija me lo quite, por eso lo tengo que comer rápido y a escondidas: dos hogazas de pan y mucha pero mucha mantequilla de maní. Por lo tanto, me confieso profundamente egoísta: Con mis sandwichs de mantequilla JIF no se metan!!!
Elvis says
Entre mi amor y mi vida, muchos besos y abrazos y entre los dos mantequilla de maní, un sándwich espectacular para un gran amanecer que solo puede ser develado por la dulce fricción de JIF y la crema del amor.
Hillary says
I love to add a spoon full of peanut butter to my protein shakes. Taste great.
Hillary says
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Sharon says
We like peanut butter and jelly (strawberry is best) with marshmallow creme grilled just like a grilled cheese.
Alana says
GRILLED PBJ on brioche bread or even homemade white bread is zeeeeeeeeee best!!!
Alana says
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Denise Rufo says
my favorite way to eat jif is a jif crunchy peanut butter sandwich with strawberry preserves on oatnut bread. yum!!!
my email is:
Xena Mei says
My fav. way to eat pb is eating it with apples!